Ficus Panda – Plant
The Ficus Panda offered by us is a round, green, shiny plant usually found in gardens. Bowl shape of Ficus Panda provides it highly attractive look. Ficus Panda is a yellow colored bushy plant
Bloom time: The flowers are inconspicuous and the plants are grown mainly for their foliage
Height: It is a tree reaching 2 meters to 30 meters (98 ft) tall in natural conditions. Most people keep it as indoor for 2 to 3 years.
Sunlight: Most ficus trees enjoy bright indirect or filtered light with variegated varieties happily able to take medium light. Bright, direct light may result in scalding of the leaves and leaf loss.
Soil: Rich, humusy and well-drained soil.
Water: When watering, always check the top of the soil first. If the top of the soil is wet, do not water as this means they have enough moisture. If the top of the soil feels dry to the touch, this indicates that they need water.
Temprature: Ficus trees also cannot tolerate low temperatures or drafts. They need to be kept in temperatures above 60 F. (16 C.) and actually prefer temperatures above 70 F. (21 C.).
Fertilizer: Feed with slow-release pellets in the beginning of the growing season. Fertilize once a month in the spring and summer and once every two months in the fall and winter.
Care: Cold drafts from windows or doors will harm them, so make sure to place them somewhere where drafts will not be an issue.
Special Feature:
Most ficus bonsai trees can produce aerial roots in their natural habitat, which are often presented in appealing bonsai creations with many aerial root pillars or root over rock styles. To enable aerial root growth in our homes a humidity of nearly 100% must be achieved artificially.
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No. 287, 8th Avenue, Seashore Town ,
SH 49, Near Bharat Petrol Bunk,
Panaiyur, Chennai – 600119.
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