Syngonium Cream allusion, Syngonium Cream (Pink veins) – Plant
The arrowhead vine makes a pretty trailing or climbing vine that tends to aggressive growth under the right conditions. Sometimes mislabeled as Nephthytis, the arrowhead vine is a tropical climber in the Arum (or aroid) family. Many varieties have variegated leaves to one degree or another, and like many aroids, the plants leaf structure changes as it matures, going from a simple arrow shape to a deeply lobed or divided mature leaf.
Syngonium podophyllum or the Goosefoot Plant is a simple but elegant and versatile houseplant. On our scale of Easy, Intermediate or Difficult, we ranked it Intermediate. The Syngonium is a great looking houseplant which needs only modest careIt’s actually “Easy” to look after in most homes, however because it has a unruly nature and tendency to creep quietly around your home if allowed, it needs a certain amount of maintenance and pruning that other plants ordinarily don’t. This is needed to keep it looking great and to avoid the ugly flop effect, also because all parts of the plant are poisonous you really do want to know where all parts of the plant are growing if you have curious children or hungry pets around.
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